
Here I will present an annotated index of the different notebooks through a short summary.

The first Notebook on how getting started with ConScape is a prerequisite for all subsequent Notebooks.

From here we recommend you look at the Notebook on performance as this introduces the concept of ‘landmarks’, which are used throughout the other Notebooks to improve performance.

The next Notebook on different ecological distance metrics builds upon the ideas presented in (Moorter et al. 2021).

The next Notebook details different ways to measure functional habitat.

Finally, the Notebook on dispersal mortality uses the ConScape library for applications similar to those presented in (Fletcher Jr et al. 2019) and (Moorter et al. 2021), where the probability and cost of movement are potentially independent processes.

numerical issues


Fletcher Jr, Robert J, Jorge A Sefair, Chao Wang, Caroline L Poli, Thomas AH Smith, Emilio M Bruna, Robert D Holt, Michael Barfield, Andrew J Marx, and Miguel A Acevedo. 2019. “Towards a Unified Framework for Connectivity That Disentangles Movement and Mortality in Space and Time.” Ecology Letters 22 (10): 1680–89.
Moorter, Bram van, Ilkka Kivimäki, Manuela Panzacchi, and Marco Saerens. 2021. “Defining and Quantifying Effective Connectivity of Landscapes for Species’ Movements.” Ecography 44 (6): 870–84.